An unlikely lesson on endurance

(and my complete endurance training blueprint)

read time: 8 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: VO2 max pyramids  

  • Quote: Clark on playing the long game

  • Lesson: An unlikely lesson on endurance (and my endurance training blueprint)

  • Optimization: The importance of nitric oxide and vasodilation

Today's Movement 

Complete 3 Rounds of V02 Max Intervals as a Run, Ride, or Row:

  • Warm-up: 7 min @ 2 RPE

Ramp up in 3 steps

  • 2 min @ 6 RPE

  • 2 min @ 8 RPE

  • 2 min @ 9 RPE

Ramp down in 3 steps

  • 2 min @ 9 RPE

  • 2 min @ 8 RPE

  • 2 min @ 6 RPE


  • 6 min @ 2 RPE

2014 Kona Ironman World Champtionships

Today's Quote

“Playing the long game—eschewing short-term gratification in order to work toward an uncertain but worthy future goal—isn't easy. But it's the surest path to meaningful and lasting success in a world that so often prioritizes what's easy, quick, and ultimately shallow.”

-Dorie Clark

The best athletes, entrepreneurs, and investors play long-term games.

They spend the majority of their time making a few strategic decisions and wait for the results to compound over time.

Endurance training is no different. In the beginning, the work is boring; it’s long zone-2 efforts to build your aerobic base. You feel that you can push harder; you want to feel like you’re making progress.

But the best in the world are willing to stay disciplined, to slow down to speed up.

Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

Today's Lesson Learned

An Unlikely Lesson On Endurance Training

An ancient Greek story speaks to the virtues of steadfastness and the pitfalls of arrogance. The story of the Tortoise and the Hare offers a profound lesson in persistence over haste which is critical to understand when you start endurance training.

In this tale, a hare, brimming with confidence in his natural abilities, proclaims his unmatched speed to the animal kingdom, scoffing at the sluggish tortoise. Wearied by the hare's ceaseless boasting, the tortoise presents a challenge - a race. The hare, amused and certain of an effortless triumph, readily accepts, foreseeing a quick victory.

As the race commences, the hare bursts forward with incredible speed, rapidly distancing himself from the tortoise. Assured of a lead that seems unassailable, the hare opts for a rest, indulging in a leisurely nap midway through the course. The tortoise, unwavering in his slow but unceasing pace, plods on, undeterred by his natural slowness. 

Methodically, he edges past the slumbering hare.

Upon awakening, the hare is struck by the realization of his miscalculation. His overconfidence has been his undoing. The tortoise, steady and determined, has already completed the race, arriving at the finish line to the astonishment of all. Victory belongs to the tortoise.

This childhood fable imparts the wisdom of consistent, dedicated effort. We are taught that arrogance can blind one to the strength of perseverance, and that consistent, measured progress prevails over sporadic surges of energy followed by inaction. 

The narrative underscores the significance of maintaining consistent effort toward one's objectives. It echoes the timeless adage, "Slow and steady wins the race”. 

In 2009, I almost got fired by Ironman Coach:

I was training to compete at the Ironman World Championships. One day during this period, my triathlon coach called my cell, and explained “If you don’t change your training plan; you’re going to need to start looking for a new coach.”

He was ready to fire me as an athlete because I wasn’t following the training program.

This served as a wake-up call that not only transformed my approach to training but also had a profound impact on my personal development.

The Principle of Measured Progress: Slowing Down to Accelerate Growth

The key insight I gained from this period was the concept of "slowing down to speed up."

I was young and naive, like the hare in the fable. I didn’t understand the importance of strategic pacing. 

My coach identified a critical issue in my training, referred to as "The Grey Zone." 

This zone is characterized by:

• Excessive focus on volume without adequate intensity.
• Insufficient intensity to enhance lactate threshold.

Although I thought I was training hard, I failed to create specific physiological adaptations.

This approach, defined by an inadequate balance between effort and recovery, led to a plateau in my progress.

Strategic Adjustments and Achievements

I finally listened to my coach and followed the programmed workouts. For the subsequent three months, all running and cycling activities were strictly moderated to maintain a heart rate below 140 BPM. This disciplined approach yielded significant improvements in my aerobic capacity and a deeper understanding of effective training methodologies.

This refinement in my training regimen ultimately culminated in my participation in the Kona Ironman World Championships, a testament to the effectiveness of this strategic approach.

If You Missed It:

I put together a complete Endurance Training Blueprint, that contains all of the steps, lessons, and principles I learned during my Ironman years.

Download it here

Today's Optimization

Today I wanted to explore the benefits of citrulline, a natural amino acid known for its vasodilation properties, which is extremely valuable for individuals looking for natural ways to boost their cardiovascular health, athletic performance, and sexual wellness. Enhanced blood flow aids in better athletic performance, supports faster recovery, and it can improve endurance while reducing fatigue. I recently started taking Joymode, which contains the science-supported doses of L-Citrulline, Arginine Nitrate, Ginseng, and

The Importance of Nitric Oxide and Vasodilation

• Nitric oxide, produced from citrulline, is a potent vasodilator that improves blood flow.
• It is beneficial for various cardiovascular functions and physical activities.

But, there is a common misconception that vasodilators are only for sexual health. In reality, they enhance overall cardiovascular health. 

Boosting blood flow through natural means like citrulline supplements contributes significantly to overall well-being. And I’ve felt significant improvements in both physical and mental health since I started taking Joymode. This is why, I am excited to share: Joymode is offering Movement Memo Subscribers a Deal: 20% off their order using code HINMAN20 at checkout!

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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan