Poor Sleep Almost Ruined My Career

(then I made these 19 changes):

read time: 5 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: AMRAP

  • Quote: Unknown on the importance of sleep

  • Lesson Learned: 19 changes I made to achieve quality sleep 

  • Optimization: 3 new additions to my daily routine

Today's Movement 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes (AMRAP):

  • 50 double-unders 

  • Row 200 meters

  • 12 burpee box jumpovers

  • 15 GHD sit-ups

I sleep with an eye mask and ear plugs every night!

Today's Quote

“I always say ‘morning’ instead of ‘good morning,’ because if it was a good morning, I’d still be asleep.”


This is how I used to wake up every single day.

You know how it goes – late nights, early mornings, and coffee as a constant companion.

That was my routine when I was trying to balance being an entrepreneur and training as a professional athlete… until I hit a wall.

I was making progress in my business, but my health and personal life were spiraling.

Sleep became an afterthought, and I paid the price with my well-being, cognitive function, and performance. 

I remember waking up every day feeling more tired than when I went to bed, dreading the day ahead.

Today's Lesson Learned

"Why I Champion Sleep (and protect it at all costs):

Eventually, I reached my breaking point and I began diving into research and experimenting with every sleep hack imaginable. The breakthrough finally came when I realized that sleep wasn’t just a physical need but a cornerstone of success.

I transformed my environment, my habits, and my mindset. I started using NuCalm, made diet adjustments, started taking magnesium supplements, and temperature control became an integral part of my nightly routine.

I was amazed at how these changes not only improved my sleep but also boosted my daily productivity and mood. Sleep was the last “element” of my health that I was able to crack, but if I was going back, I would start with these lessons to find balance and redefine my relationship with sleep.

I wanted to share these principles I learned (and tested over the past 10 years) with fellow entrepreneurs and hybrid athletes who might be struggling just like I was.

My Journey To “Hacking” Sleep

As entrepreneurs and high-performers, we're often caught in a relentless pursuit of success, where sleep becomes a negotiable commodity. My journey to reclaiming my sleep and, subsequently, my life, wasn't just a choice – it was a necessity.

I realized that my struggle wasn’t unique, and there was a community of high-achievers who were silently suffering.

That’s why I created this system: it's not just about strategies for better sleep; it's about creating a lifestyle where rest is as vital as productivity.

A Harsh Truth: You don’t have to sacrifice sleep to be successful.

This comprehensive approach involves revamping your sleep environment, customizing your pre-bed routine, and strategically adjusting your diet and supplements.

The 8 Biggest Problems Hindering Your Sleep (I used to struggle with all of these): 

  1. Difficulty Falling Asleep 

  2. Disrupted Sleep Patterns

  3.  Poor Sleep Environment

  4.  Overstimulation Before Bedtime 

  5. Ineffective Sleep Aids 

  6. Frustration and Helplessness 

  7. Worry about Health and Performance 

  8. Anxiety about Sleep Consistency

The 4 Major Consequences Of Persistent Sleep Problems: 

  • Decline in Health and Well-being: Ongoing sleep disruption leads to health issues like weakened immunity and chronic fatigue. 

  • Decreased Business Productivity: Reduced cognitive function and decision-making abilities, affecting business operations. 

  • Strain on Personal and Professional Relationships: Irritability and stress affecting interactions with family, friends, and colleagues. 

  • Long-Term Costs of Inaction: Continuous health deterioration, potentially leading to serious conditions like hypertension or depression and career stagnation due to impaired leadership and decision-making capabilities.

    19 Changes I Made To Finally Achieve Quality Sleep (and enhance my productivity):

  1. Optimal Bedroom Environment: Upgrading to a Performa sleep mattress and a chili pad leads to a 40% increase in sleep quality by maintaining optimal body temperature.

  1. Rituals Matter: Establishing a consistent pre-sleep routine, like winding down the way I do with Beam Dream or using NuCalm, is scientifically proven to reduce sleep onset time by 30%.

  1. Avoiding Stimulants: Cutting out caffeine by 2:00 p.m. can improve sleep efficiency by up to 50%, enhancing both the quality and duration of sleep.

  1. The Power of Supplements: Integrating sleep supplements like Beam Dream or magnesium has been shown to increase REM sleep by 20%, vital for cognitive function and memory.

  1. Temperature Regulation: Maintaining a cooler bedroom environment at 63 degrees is linked to a 15% improvement in sleep quality, as per the National Sleep Foundation.

  1. Contrast Therapy Benefits: Regular contrast therapy with sauna and ice baths has been shown to improve sleep quality by 25% due to its impact on body temperature regulation.

  1. Quality Bedding Impact: Upgrading to high-quality bedding like ETTITUDE bamboo sheets can improve sleep comfort, reducing sleep disturbances by up to 20%.

  1. Sleep Mask Efficiency: Utilizing a Dream Recovery sleep mask can increase deep sleep phases by 10%, essential for physical restoration and recovery.

  1. Earplugs for Noise Control: Using earplugs to block out noise can lead to a 15% reduction in sleep disruptions, especially important in noisy environments.

  1. Dietary Considerations: Adjusting evening meal timings and contents, like including honey and blueberries, can stabilize blood sugar levels, aiding uninterrupted sleep.

  1. Morning Wake Routine: Waking up without an alarm leads to 30% higher morning alertness, as the body completes its natural sleep cycle.

  1. Mind-Body Connection: A stress-reducing evening routine, incorporating elements like listening to calming music or meditation, can decrease cortisol levels, aiding in faster sleep onset.

  1. The Role of Light: Controlling light exposure in the evening, including blue light from screens, can increase melatonin production by up to 50%, critical for sleep regulation.

  1. Strategic Napping: Incorporating short, restorative naps using techniques like NuCalm can boost afternoon productivity by 33%, offsetting midday energy slumps.

  1. Sleep Hygiene Education: Understanding and practicing good sleep hygiene through our courses can reduce the likelihood of insomnia by 40%.

  1. Alcohol's Impact: Limiting alcohol intake, known to fragment sleep, can improve overall sleep quality by up to 37%.

  1. Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular exercise, preferably in the morning or afternoon, is associated with a 25% improvement in sleep quality.

  1. Digital Detox: Implementing a digital detox an hour before bed can increase sleep quality by 20%, as per studies on blue light's impact on sleep.

  1. Sleep as a Foundation: Prioritizing quality sleep is linked to a 30% increase in overall productivity, underlining its role as a foundational aspect of successful entrepreneurship.

    An ongoing struggle with sleep will undermine your self-esteem and confidence, and severely impact your health.

    These are the 19 changes I’ve made over the past 10 years that have allowed me to finally take back control over my sleep.

    Please let me know which lessons resonate the most with you!

Today's Optimization

I’ve spent the past 15+ years optimizing my health. Two of the lessons I wish I had known when I started were the importance of deep sleep and recovery. Recently I’ve started using two new tools from NuCalm (and I’ve felt immediate and significant improvements): 

  1. NuCalm's "Rescue" has become an integral part of my wellness toolkit. Designed for instant stress relief and to improve sleep quality, it's like a reset button for the mind. After a high-intensity workout or a day filled with back-to-back meetings, it has become my “secret weapon” for maintaining a calm, focused state amidst life's chaos. The Rescue Journey has been shown to equate to two hours of restorative sleep for every 20 minutes of use!

  2. When bedtime comes, I’ve started using NuCalm's "DeepSleep". Think of it as a digital sleeping pill – without the pill. It's a sophisticated neuroacoustic technology that lulls my brain into the deepest stages of sleep, ensuring that I wake up not just rested, but truly restored. Integrating "DeepSleep" into my routine has been a game-changer, allowing me to tackle each new day with renewed vigor and clarity.

Here's why I added NuCalm to my daily recovery protocol:

  • Maximized Recovery: Rescue is my go-to for post-workout relaxation and mental reset. It's like a power nap on steroids, rapidly reducing stress and leaving me ready for whatever comes next.

  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: DeepSleep has transformed my nights. It guides my brain into a deep delta state, promoting healing sleep that ensures I wake up feeling powerful and refreshed.

  • Daily Well-being: Integrating Rescue and DeepSleep into my daily routine has been a game-changer for maintaining my performance edge, helping me stay balanced and focused both mentally and physically.

If you’re like me, you strive for excellence in health and well-being, (and if you’re reading this you are)!

I'm excited to share an opportunity to experience the transformational effects of NuCalm with Movement Memo subscribers: A 7-day free trial of NuCalm  + 15% off your subscription for life

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan