I Made 10 Choices In My 30's

(that fixed my health and saved relationships):

read time: 5 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 5 rounds for time

  • Quote: Adeney on defining your best day ever

  • Lesson: The 10 biggest changes I made in my 30’s

  • Optimization: The importance of nitric oxide and vasodilation

Today's Movement 

5 rounds for time of:

• Run 400 meters
• 30 burpee pull-ups
30 wall balls

The choices you make (& don’t make) have an equal impact on your success.

Today's Quote

“The key to a great life is simply having a bunch of great days. So you can think about it one day at a time.”

--Pete Adeney 

Design your perfect day; it won’t happen by accident.

In my 20’s I used to chase material success.

Then I realized the mark of a good day was how happy/ satisfied I was when I climbed into bed.

I wrote out a list of 10 'tiny wins' that transformed my daily routine and eventually my life:

  1. Start Your Day with Movement: Set a positive tone for the day.

  2. Allocate Time for Reflection: Just 5 minutes of quiet contemplation can boost your awareness and focus.

  3. Set One Small Daily Goal: Achieving it will give you a sense of accomplishment.

  4. Practice Gratitude: Acknowledge one thing you're grateful for each day.

  5. Connect with Someone: A short message or call can strengthen your relationships.

  6. Learn Something New: Even if it's a small fact or skill.

  7. Take a Short Walk: A brief stroll can refresh your mind and body.

  8. Consume for Pleasure: Spend a few minutes with a book, article, or podcast you enjoy.

  9. Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge your efforts, no matter how minor.

  10. Plan for Tomorrow: End your day by setting a small goal for the next day.

By integrating these 'tiny wins' into your daily routine, you will start seeing significant improvements in your mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

*My “Tiny Wins” have adapted over the years as my interests and goals have changed, but the framework of having them written out has been invaluable.

Today's Lesson Learned:

10 Decisions I Changed From My 20s To My 30s:

Have you ever felt completely stuck when trying to optimize your daily life for long-term success? You're not alone. Despite their best efforts, most people struggle with balancing immediate desires with long-term goals.

Whether it's partying late, buying material items, or spending evenings at bars, the road to success is riddled with pitfalls and frustrations. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Why You're Stuck (And What to Do Instead)

The reason so many people get stuck is that they're making some common yet easily avoidable mistakes. Once you understand what these missteps are, you can start taking the right actions to live each day to its fullest potential.

  1. Partying Late vs. Productive Mornings

Many fall into the trap of late-night parties, which can sabotage their productivity the next morning.

Negative Consequences: Reduced cognitive functions, missed opportunities for quiet work or exercise in the morning.

Establish a consistent bedtime routine that prioritizes early sleep.

Start winding down at least an hour before bed, limit screen time, and create a relaxing bedtime environment.

  1. Choosing Immediate Paychecks Over Residual Income

It's tempting to opt for jobs that pay immediately rather than those that could generate income over time.

Negative Consequences: Stagnant financial growth and lack of financial security.

Seek opportunities to create passive income streams.

Invest in stocks, real estate, or start a side business that requires upfront effort but offers long-term payoffs.

  1. Buying Material Items vs. Investing in Assets

Purchasing flashy, depreciating items is common, rather than investing in assets that appreciate over time.

Negative Consequences: Financial instability and missed opportunities for wealth accumulation.

Focus on acquiring assets that generate value.

Educate yourself on investment opportunities, allocate a percentage of income to investments, and avoid impulse purchases.

  1. Spending Evenings at Bars vs. Engaging in Outdoor Activities

Bars may offer immediate social gratification, but they often don't support long-term health or well-being.

Negative Consequences: Poor health choices, wasted time, and money.

Choose outdoor activities that promote physical and mental health.

Plan regular outdoor activities, join a hiking or cycling group, and prioritize nature in your leisure time.

  1. Choosing Comfort Over Self-Imposed Discomfort

Avoiding challenges can feel easier in the short term but prevents growth.

Negative Consequences: Limited personal development and missed opportunities for improvement.

Embrace challenges that foster growth.

Set challenging but achievable goals, step out of your comfort zone regularly, and reflect on the learning from each experience.

  1. Keeping Friendships That Don't Encourage Success vs. Real Friends

Sticking with friends who don't support your ambitions can drag you down.

Negative Consequences: Slowed personal and professional growth.

Cultivate relationships with people who inspire and support you.

Seek out new, positive friendships, engage in communities with similar goals, and distance yourself from toxic relationships.

  1. Eating Processed Food vs. Choosing Single Ingredient Foods

Processed foods are convenient but unhealthy.

Negative Consequences: Poor health, decreased energy levels, and long-term diseases.

Opt for whole, single-ingredient foods.

Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, cook meals at home more often, and plan your diet around natural foods.

  1. Missing Opportunities for Mentorship vs. Seeking Mentorships

Avoiding settings where you can meet mentors leaves you without guidance.

Negative Consequences: Slower personal development and professional advancement.

Actively seek settings that offer chances to meet people who have accomplished your goals.

The fastest way to learn is by getting around people further ahead of you.

  1. Staying in Non-Supportive Environments vs. Thriving Settings

Remaining in places that don't inspire or support you can hinder your success.

Negative Consequences: Stagnation in personal and professional life.

Choose environments that stimulate and support your growth.

Reevaluate your current living and working environments, and make changes that align more closely with your aspirations.

  1. Seeking Quick Pleasures vs. Earning Lasting Rewards

Opting for immediate gratification can be tempting but doesn't bring lasting happiness or success.

Negative Consequences: Short-lived satisfaction and missed opportunities for deep fulfillment.

Focus on activities and goals that require effort but offer lasting rewards.

Set long-term goals, celebrate small victories on your way to bigger achievements, and practice discipline in your daily choices.

Living your best day ever, every day doesn't have to be an uphill battle. By being aware of the most common mistakes and implementing the step-by-step plan outlined above, you'll be living smarter and achieving your goals in no time.

The path is now clear.

Write down your list of “Tin Wins” on piece a of paper and tag me @erichiman in your Instagram Story!

Today's Optimization

As we age our cells age, but I believe we get to choose what 40-year-old, 50-year-old, and 60-year-old we want to be. I envision mountain biking into my 60's and surfing in my 70's. But here’s a fact, after 30, muscle mass decreases by approximately 3–8% per decade. I’m pretty fascinated with cellular health at the moment and recently I learned the primary cause for this decline is based on mitochondrial function, the “powerhouse” of our cells.

I started researching ways to limit this decline and have come to believe mitochondria are the bedrock of good health. Healthy cells rely on healthy mitochondria. Their optimal function leads to incredible health benefits and is particularly essential to heart, kidney, eye, brain, skin, and muscle function. As we age, mitochondrial function declines. Our mitochondria are constantly renewed to produce energy and fulfill the vast energy demands of muscle, skin, and other tissues, but as we get older, mitochondrial renewal declines and dysfunctional mitochondria accumulate in the cells, resulting in significant issues.

I recently started taking Timeline’s Mitopure (a clinically studied/proven supplement), which unlocks the power of Urolithin A, a molecule that stimulates this crucial recycling and cleansing process in our mitochondria - ultimately protecting cells from age-associated decline. Today Timeline is offering Movement Memo subscribers an exclusive deal: 10% off your first order using code “Hinman” at checkout.

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan