How to Get a Seat at the Table:

(My Playbook for Creating Opportunities):

read time: 6 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 4 rounds for time

  • Quote: Drucker on your future

  • Lesson Learned: How to get a seat at the table

  • Youtube: House tour

  • Optimization: The FittBoxx

Today's Movement 

Complete 4 Rounds for Time:

  • 10 Deadlifts (225/135 lbs)

  • 15 Box Jumps (24/20 inches)

  • 20 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)

  • 10 Toes-to-Bar

  • 50 Double-Unders (100 Single-Unders if not proficient)Train with me!

A recent podcast with the owner of FitBoxx

Today's Quote

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

— Peter Drucker

Most people wait for opportunities to show up. They don’t.

If you want to be in the right rooms, doing meaningful work, and surrounded by top-tier people, you have to build the path yourself. The most successful people don’t sit around hoping for an invitation—they take action, create opportunities, and make themselves undeniable.

Today's Lesson Learned:

How to Get a Seat at the Table: My Playbook for Creating Opportunities

Success isn’t about waiting for an invitation—you have to earn your seat at the table.

Most people hope opportunities will show up. They won’t. The biggest wins in life don’t come from luck.

They come from consistently putting yourself in the right places, around the right people, and bringing undeniable value.

I wasn’t handed access. I didn’t have connections. But I learned how to become someone that high-level people wanted in the room.

And the best part? You can do the same.

When you’re inexperienced, you have capital – it’s just not money. You have time and curiosity. These are your competitive advantages and this is how you differentiate. 

If you want to build a network, attract opportunities, and create leverage, here’s the playbook I followed that got me into the rooms where things happen. 

1. Be Thoughtful—Every Single Day

Most people only reach out when they need something.

This is the biggest mistake you can make. And it’s why thoughtfulness is your unfair advantage.

Being thoughtful isn’t about grand gestures.

It’s about the small things:

  • Remember the little details people mention in passing.

  • Checking in 6 months after a friend loses a loved one (everyone else will forget).

  • Sending a video message when you see something that reminds you of them.

Years ago, I made a habit of sending one thoughtful message every morning. 

No agenda. No expectation. Just genuine connection.

That single habit built relationships that led to brand deals, investments, and partnerships. Recognize this is a long-tail game, but if you are willing to invest your energy today, you will be disproportionately compensated tomorrow.

Actionable Step: Reach out to one person today—just to check in. No ask. Just value.

2. Ask Great Questions. Listen More Than You Talk.

If you want to build relationships with smart, successful people, stop trying to prove yourself. Start listening.

The best networkers? They don’t dominate the conversation. They make others feel heard.

  • Instead of waiting for your turn to talk, ask better follow-ups.

  • When someone shares a challenge, ask: How are you thinking about solving that?

  • After the conversation, send a quick note referencing something they said.

People don’t remember what you say– they remember how you make them feel.

If you build your reputation as the person who asks great questions and listens intently, you’ll be the person people want around. And by asking how others solve problems, you learn their decision-making processes, which is how you level up once you get a seat at the table. 

Getting to the table is only the cost of entrance. It’s how you act once you're there that keeps you in the room. This is where energy comes in. 

The 7-38-55 Rule is a concept from Albert Mehrabian’s research on communication, which suggests that:

  • 7% of communication is based on the words spoken

  • 38% comes from tone of voice

  • 55% is body language and facial expressions

People like to be around people who are high-energy. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. 

The next time you’re in a conversation, aim to listen 80% and talk 20%. And when you speak, match your tone and body language to the person you aim to become. 

3. Connect People—Without Expecting Anything in Return

This is the most powerful networking move you can make.

Most people hoard connections. They think introducing people will cost them something. The reality? The more you connect others, the more valuable you become.

Early in my career, I made a habit of connecting smart people. 

If I saw two people who could create value together, I made the intro—with zero expectations.

Over time, those introductions led to deals, partnerships, and friendships that I wasn’t involved in. But I built my brand, my reputation at scale.

And when future opportunities came up? They thought of me first.

Investing social capital to build goodwill with people you respect is your highest leverage activity.

Actionable Step: Once a week, introduce two people who should know each other. No strings attached.

4. Host People in a Memorable Way

If you want to build deep relationships, don’t just show up—create the space for them.

Put another way, if you can’t get a seat at the table you want, build your own table. 

My entire life changed when I stopped waiting for others to invite me to train, sauna, or go out to dinner. By getting out of my comfort zone, I became the host for the adventures and opportunities that I wanted to create.

People remember experiences, not business cards.

3 ways to accomplish this this week:

  • Host a dinner with six to eight interesting people.

  • Organize a casual meetup around a shared passion.

  • Invite people into experiences that create connections.

Hosting doesn’t have to be extravagant—it just has to be intentional.

When you are the host, you become the catalyst that you were always looking for.

5. Go Where Chance Encounters Can Happen

If you want to be in the right rooms, you have to put yourself in environments where high-level conversations are happening.

That’s why I’m building a house in Austin. It’s not random. It’s by design. I’ve learned that opportunities flow in certain places.

If you’re serious about leveling up, you need to go where the action is.

  • Live in or frequently visit cities where top players gather.

  • Attend events and spaces where smart, ambitious people connect.

  • Seek out environments where luck can happen.

If you surround yourself with the right energy, opportunities will start coming to you.

6. Develop a Skill That Sets You Apart

Your network gets you in the door – your skill keeps you there.

Everyone respects someone who is world-class at something.

Find a skill that makes you valuable—then double down. For me, that was building an audience and understanding how to generate awareness at scale for wellness brands. But I didn’t have that skill when I started.

Most people jump from idea to idea, without putting in the work to become world-class. When you start learning something new, you will be a beginner. It is only with 1000’s of reps and sets that you improve. 

Pick one skill and commit to becoming undeniably good at it.

Success isn’t about doing more. 
It’s about doing the right things—over and over. Double down on what’s working. Cut distractions and unnecessary meetings.

Spend time only on what creates real value.

Most people never get anywhere because they don’t ruthlessly prioritize. The people who win? They focus and execute.

The Room You Want to Be in Won’t Invite You

No one is coming to hand you a seat at the table.

You either create opportunities—or watch others take them. This is the exact approach I followed. It works.

If you want to attract opportunities:

  1. Be thoughtful, daily.

  2. Listen more than you talk.

  3. Connect people without expecting anything.

  4. Host, show up, and bring value.

  5. Keep refining your edge.

No one is just going to invite you to the right tables. You earn your way in.

Today’s Youtube:

Today’s Optimization: The Fit Boxx – One Month, One Shot, Gone Forever

Most people walk into a supplement store, stare at the shelves, and guess.

They hope they’re picking the right thing. They have no clue what actually works. But that’s not how high performers operate.

Every month, The Fit Boxx partners with a leading health and wellness specialist—someone who lives and breathes performance optimization. They handpick the best supplements, gear, and recovery tools they actually use. This isn’t a random grab bag. It’s a curated selection of products that deliver real results.

But here’s the deal.

  • Each box is only available for a few days.

  • Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

  • No restocks. No second chances.

If you missed last month’s box? Too bad. It’s never coming back.

Every drop includes things like:

  • Limited edition performance apparel you can’t buy anywhere else.

  • The highest-quality supplements—creatine, ketones, mitochondrial support, and hydration formulas— chosen by experts.

  • Recovery tools and performance enhancers are designed to keep you moving, training, and pushing forward.

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan