Happy 4th of July

(and 6 principles to gain freedom in life):

read time: 6 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 4 rounds for time

  • Quote: Camus on freedom

  • Lesson: 6 principles that guided me to lifestyle freedom

  • Optimization: The importance of nitric oxide and vasodilation

Today's Movement 

4 rounds for time of:

• Run 800 meters
• 20 burpee box jumpovers
15 GHD sit-ups

Happy 4th of July from Colorado!

Today's Quote

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better”

--Albert Camus

True freedom isn’t just about doing what we want but seizing opportunities to improve ourselves.

Each day presents a fresh chance to enhance our health, strengthen our relationships, and grow mentally and physically.

Embrace freedom as a path to self-improvement by setting goals, staying consistent, and pushing your limits.

Remember, every choice you make is a step toward becoming a better version of yourself.

Take advantage of your freedom to elevate your life in meaningful ways.

Today's Lesson Learned

Today is a day all about freedom and freedom is one of the motivations behind how I live my life.

Movement is medicine because it creates freedom in your body which allows you to live the life you want.

For me, freedom is based on 3 pillars: 

Physical freedom: to be able to move my body and get outside every day

Financial freedom: to be able to choose who I work with, what I work on, and how I spend my time

Mental freedom: to be able to think creatively and enjoy time with loved ones

When I first started out, I wasn’t free. I was tied to my day job and spent too much money on frivolous items that kept me trapped. But I was eager to change, to be able to gain the freedom that I craved for my life. Over the past 15 years, I developed principles that have transformed not only my career but also my outlook on life.

Here's how you can apply six fundamental principles to gain freedom over your career and life.

  1. Optimize for Time Around Smart, Interesting People

The people you spend time with directly impact who you become. 

Optimizing your time around smart, interesting people who believe in you is crucial.

Start by identifying individuals in your environment who have the lifestyle freedom you desire. 

Build relationships with these people and learn from them.

Prioritize getting into rooms where things happen

But remember it is how you show up in these rooms consistently that matters. 

  1. Ask Questions Without Fear

Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something. 

This is how you learn and grow.

When we fear sounding naive, we are limited by trapped by our limiting beliefs.

Failure is invaluable to our development.

Once you overcome this you become free to explore what you don’t yet know.

  1. Lean Into Your Energy and Curiosity

You become free when you have energy and curiosity for the work you do.

These are your superpowers.

Use them to ask questions and seek knowledge actively.

Continually educate yourself.

When you are free to do the work that excites you, learning becomes a daily practice.

  1. But Learning does not come from experience alone.

Learning only happens from reflection upon your experience.

Contemplate your experiences and struggles.

This helps you gain understanding and improve. 

Keep track of your progress and mistakes so you can improve your decision-making over time.

When I was trying to improve in Ironman, I detailed every training session and my diet meticulously.

Over time I was able to refine both to the point where I no longer need to think about them, they have become habitual to the point where I have free space in my mind to think about other issues. 

  1. Share your lessons with those behind you

When ready, share your lessons and successes with others. 

Your journey can inspire and motivate others, just as you were inspired by those who came before you.

In most classrooms, the teacher is the one who learns the most.

In my experience, this has been the case with sharing on social media.

I have learned more from others since I started doing this than I will ever be able to share.  

6. Measure Progress

Often times we are trapped by our comparison to those who are further ahead.

The easiest way to free yourself from this is to keep track of your progress. 

Use tools like logs or apps to monitor your growth.

When you review your progress you will be amazed at how far you have come.

Recognize and reward yourself for this progress you make.

It will free you to set bigger goals. 

By applying these principles, you are not just building habits but giving yourself the tools to gain freedom over your life and career.

You’re adopting a lifestyle that promotes continuous improvement and personal growth.

This is the heart of what freedom means.

Remember the goal is not a quick fix but to be able to move my body and get outside every day, to be able to choose who you work with, what you work on, and how you spend time so you can think creatively and enjoy time with loved ones.

Happy 4th of July!

I hope you get outside to move, spend time with friends and loved ones, and BBQ this evening.

This is how I will be spending the 4th, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

 Today's Optimization

As we age our cells age, but I believe we get to choose what 40-year-old, 50-year-old, and 60-year-old we want to be. I envision mountain biking into my 60's and surfing in my 70's. But here’s a fact, after 30, muscle mass decreases by approximately 3–8% per decade. I’m pretty fascinated with cellular health at the moment and recently I learned the primary cause for this decline is based on mitochondrial function, the “powerhouse” of our cells.

I started researching ways to limit this decline and have come to believe mitochondria are the bedrock of good health. Healthy cells rely on healthy mitochondria. Their optimal function leads to incredible health benefits and is particularly essential to heart, kidney, eye, brain, skin, and muscle function. As we age, mitochondrial function declines. Our mitochondria are constantly renewed to produce energy and fulfill the vast energy demands of muscle, skin, and other tissues, but as we get older, mitochondrial renewal declines and dysfunctional mitochondria accumulate in the cells, resulting in significant issues.

I recently started taking Timeline’s Mitopure (a clinically studied/proven supplement), which unlocks the power of Urolithin A, a molecule that stimulates this crucial recycling and cleansing process in our mitochondria - ultimately protecting cells from age-associated decline. Today Timeline is offering Movement Memo subscribers an exclusive deal: 10% off your first order using code “Hinman” at checkout.

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan