How To Get More Fit Than 99% Of People By Age 40

(starting as an overweight salesmen)

read time: 5 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 3 rounds for time

  • Quote: Collier on small efforts 

  • Lesson: 10 Principles From Insurance Salesman to Elite Athlete:

  • Youtube: How To Get More Fit Than 99% Of People By Age 40

  • Optimization: My ultimate sleep hack

Today's Movement 

3 Rounds For time:

  • 50 dumbbell box step-ups

  • 40 box jumps

  • 30 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb dumbbells

♂ 24-inch box and 50-lb dumbbells

27 years old VS. 43 years old

Today's Quote

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” 

- Robert Collier

You are one decision away from transforming your life. 

Embrace change, and let every small step count. 

Consistency beats intensity every time.

Surround yourself with those who inspire greatness. 

Don’t just dream, act. 

Your future self will thank you.

Today's Lesson Learned

From Insurance Salesman to Elite Athlete: 10 Simple Transformation Principles

What if I told you at 28 years old I was an overweight salesman, driving 50,000 miles a year, eating fast food, and selling insurance?  And at 43-year-old I am a five-time World Championship Ironman competitor, competitive CrossFit athlete, and serial entrepreneur.

Are they the same person?

The answer: yes and no.

This newsletter will take you through my transformative journey, detailing the 10 simple ideas that helped me become more fit than 99% of people on the planet. If you want to transform your life, build a healthy lifestyle, and achieve extraordinary business success, these principles are for you.

1. Recognize the Need for Change (don’t ignore the signs):

My wake-up call came during a trip to Bolton Landing, New York when I noticed flab hanging over my arm. This realization was the pivotal moment that led me to hire a personal trainer.

If you want to change, the first step is recognizing that your current lifestyle isn’t serving you.

• Pay attention to physical signs and how your body feels. These can be indicators that you need to make changes.
• Most people ignore these signs and continue with unhealthy habits.
• Instead use these moments as motivation to seek help and make a change.

2. Hire a Coach (find someone with the results you want):

I hired a personal trainer to get back into shape. This not only helped me physically but also mentally, as I began to associate exercise with feeling good.

 Look for a coach or mentor who has achieved the results you desire.
 A coach can provide discipline and push you harder than you would push yourself. They become built-in accountability partners. 
 Most people try to do it all on their own without guidance.
 The best investments I have ever made were in professionals who have guided me in the right direction.

3. Embrace the Slight Edge (build compounding consistencies):

My success is built on small, consistent actions that compound over time. This principle, inspired by the book “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson, emphasizes the power of daily habits.

 Focus on making small, positive changes every day.
 Over time, these small changes add up to significant results.
 Most people expect quick fixes and give up when they don’t happen.
 Commit to consistent, incremental progress.

4. Time Management and Discipline (time blocking for success):

I managed to fit extensive training into my schedule by being extremely disciplined and time-blocking my day.

 Plan your day in advance and allocate specific time blocks for different activities.
 Saying no to non-essential activities is crucial to staying focused.
 Most people overcommit and lose focus on their goals.
 Ruthlessly prioritize your time and stick to your schedule.

5. Create Leverage (build a residual income):

My insurance business provided me with a residual income, giving me the financial freedom to pursue my passions and take risks.

 Look for opportunities that allow you to build assets or residual income.
 Having a stable financial base allows you to take risks and chase your dreams.
 Most people rely solely on a single source of income.
 Diversify your income streams to create financial security.

6. Purposeful Practice (train for a specific goal).

I believe there is a difference between exercise and training. Exercise is a checklist item; training has a purpose.

 Set specific goals for your training and focus on purposeful practice.
 Different types of training impact different systems in the body.
 Most people exercise without a clear purpose or plan.
• Tailor training to your specific goals and needs.

7. Overcoming Burnout (don’t be afraid to switch disciplines):

After years of Ironman training, I was burnt out. This led me to transition to CrossFit and find a new passion and community.

 Don’t be afraid to switch disciplines if you’re burned out.
 Exploring new activities can reignite your passion for fitness.
 Most people push through burnout without addressing the underlying issues.
 Listen to your body and mind, and make changes when necessary.

8. Surround Yourself with the Right People (they dictate who you become):

So much of my success is attributed to surrounding myself with people who share my values and goals.

 Build a supportive community that encourages your growth.
 Being around like-minded individuals will boost your motivation and performance.
 I used to struggle with isolation and staying in toxic environments.
 My life changed when I found communities and relationships that uplifted and inspired me.

9. Craft Your Perfect Day (build your day around tiny wins):

I love the concept of a “perfect day”, doing the things you love in the order you prefer.

 Make a list of the activities that give you energy and incorporate them into your daily routine.
 Small daily wins contribute to overall happiness and fulfillment.
 Most people neglect personal enjoyment and only focus on productivity.
 Balance productivity with activities that bring you joy.

10. Focus on Friendships (build meaningful relationships):

One of the most overlooked aspects of health is the importance of friendships.

 Invest time in building and maintaining meaningful relationships.
 Strong social connections contribute to overall well-being and happiness.
 Many people struggle with over-prioritizing work and neglecting personal relationships.
 Make time for friends and social activities that enrich your life.

My journey from a fast-food-eating insurance salesman to a world-class athlete is a testament to the power of small, consistent changes and the right support system. By recognizing the need for change, hiring a coach, embracing the slight edge, managing time effectively, creating leverage, practicing with purpose, overcoming burnout, surrounding yourself with the right people, crafting your perfect day, and focusing on friendships, you can transform your life and achieve extraordinary fitness. 

Remember, it’s not about making drastic changes overnight but about committing to small, positive actions every day. 

Start your transformation today and in time you will reap the rewards of a healthier, happier life.

Today’s Youtube:

How To Get More Fit Than 99% Of People By Age 40

In this video, I sat down with my good friend, the “Wellness Daddy” and shared the backstory on these 10 simple but powerful strategies that I shared in this newsletter today.

Today's Optimization

I take Dream Powder every single night, with no exceptions, about 30 minutes before bed. I froth it in a cup of goat milk or homemade nut milk, which makes it even creamier and more delicious. I start feeling it after about 10 minutes, this pleasant relaxing sensation. After that, it’s easy for me to slip into sleep. The next morning, I wake up feeling energized and ready to train.

I use a wearable called COROS to track my health. Here’s a screenshot of my sleep data after a night of Beam.

As an athlete, I am super up-to-date on the optimal sleep stats, and I notice that mine are MUCH better when I take Dream. This definitely translates to my training the next day. When I’ve gotten enough sleep, and REM and Deep Sleep at the proper amounts, my body functions optimally and I hit my targets more frequently. It’s just science.

REM sleep, which is responsible for emotional learning and memory, should account for approximately 20-25% of your overall sleep hours, and Deep Sleep, which is responsible for physical repair, should account for about 13-23%. And it’s common knowledge that adults require about 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

As you can see above, on a night when I take Dream, I pretty much hit all those targets. I slept 8 hours and 20 minutes total. My REM sleep sits at 22.6% of my total sleep hours, and my Deep Sleep accounts for 18.4%.

Dream has 5 natural sleep ingredients that work together to enhance sleep and lead your body through all 4 stages: Nano Hemp (for optimal absorption), Reishi mushroom, Magnesium, L-Theanine, and 3 mg of Melatonin (which is actually on the lower end for a sleep supplement, allowing me to wake up with no grogginess).

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan