How I Fuel For Endurance

read time: 5 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: VO2 Max Intervals

  • Quote: Thomson on going fast

  • Lesson: How I fuel for endurance

  • Optimization: The science-backed supplement stack

Today's Movement 

V02 Max Intervals:

  • Warm-Up: 10-15 minutes at RPE 2-5

  • Intervals: 5 x 3 minutes at RPE 8-9

  • Recovery: 3 minutes at RPE 2-3 between intervals

  • Cool Down: 10-15 minutes at RPE 2-3

60 minutes into a 37-mile training ride in Leadville, Colorado.

Today's Quote

“It’s not about how fast you go. It’s about how long you go fast”

—Ryan Thomson

It’s not just about the initial burst of speed; it’s about maintaining that speed over the long haul.

Proper fueling is essential to avoid bonking and ensure you have the stamina to keep going strong.

Remember, it's not just about the sprint; it's about sustaining the speed.

Stay fueled, stay fast.

This is the key to success in endurance sports (and life).

Today's Lesson Learned

We've all experienced that familiar feeling deep into an endurance race or a tough training session. When no matter how hard you push, you start slowing down. When perceived effort increases while your speed drops off. When your legs feel full of lead, and every step or turn of the crank becomes a battle.

It goes by many names: “Bonking,” “Hitting The Wall,” and “Running Out Of Gas.” They all mean the same thing: a sudden and overwhelming depletion of energy during endurance exercise, leading to extreme fatigue and a dramatic drop in performance, caused by a lack of blood sugar.

Bonking is something everyone who wants to run a marathon or complete an Ironman has to deal with. In today’s piece, I reflect on how I fuel for endurance training and why it made a massive difference in my performance.

As I write this, I recently completed a two-hour aerobic ride with an average heart rate of 121 bpm and about 205 watts of power. Here’s how I approach my nutrition and training:

Pre-Ride and Morning Nutrition

Two-Hour Limit: For rides under two hours, I don't eat beforehand. For longer rides, I eat carbs like a banana, honey, or oats. This morning, I only had coffee.

There are two main reasons for this:

  • Fat Adaptation: I train my body to burn fat for fuel, a strategy I developed during my Ironman years.

  • Weight Management: I currently weigh about 182 lbs and aim to lean out to around 177-170 lbs.

CrossFit Sessions: For these high-intensity workouts, I make sure to have some carbs beforehand. My go-to is a banana with honey. High-intensity workouts need carbs for energy, as my heart rate hits 150-160 bpm.

Fueling Different Workouts

Bike Rides: I primarily burn fat during bike rides, so I keep pre-ride nutrition minimal.

CrossFit Workouts: These require carbs for strength training and anaerobic conditioning.

Post-Workout Breakfast: After my morning ride, I make a nutritious breakfast that includes:


Hydration Tips: With rising temperatures during the summer, it’s crucial to reassess your hydration strategy. More heat means more sweating and a greater loss of electrolytes. Increase your sodium intake and drink more water.

Rule of Thumb: One liter of water per hour.

Sodium Intake: Start with 450mg of sodium per hour and adjust as needed.

Hydration Test: Weigh yourself before and after a ride. Losing more than 3 lbs means you need more hydration.


Carbs During Ride: The average athlete burns about 180g of carbs per hour during intense rides. Consuming 80g of carbs per hour helps reduce the energy deficit.

Fueling Strategy: Mix high-carb drink mixes and gels. Start with a high-carb bottle in the first hour of your ride, supplemented by gels every 20 minutes. For solid food, opt for bars or complex carbs early on, then switch to simpler carbs.

Why Momentous Fuel Stands Out

My Problem with Conventional Sports Drinks: Many sports drinks either contain only electrolytes with no carbs or have too many simple sugars, leading to energy spikes and crashes. But I’ve found I really like Momentous Fuel because it combines carbs and electrolytes for sustained energy during workouts lasting 60 minutes or more. It includes Isomaltulose, which is crucial for steady energy without blood sugar spikes, and a 3:1 ratio of glucose to fructose ensures better absorption and minimal GI distress.

Coca-Cola Magic and My New Fueling Solution

Deep into an endurance race or tough training session, Coca-Cola is magic. If you know, you know. They serve it on most Ironman courses, marathons, etc. The sugar and caffeine lift your spirits and energy, but it often led me to a messed-up stomach for days after!

I’ve been putting Ketone IQ peach flavor with 100mg of caffeine (which actually tastes pretty damn good) in my water bottles with Momentous fuel (for carbs and sugar). The mixture is incredible—very similar to drinking Coke at the end of a race or endurance training session. Give it a whirl!

Post-Ride Recovery 

After intense efforts lasting over 120 minutes, post-ride recovery is crucial. Within 30-60 minutes post-exercise, your body is primed to absorb nutrients. A good recovery smoothie with a mix of carbs and protein can kickstart this process. I use products like Momentous protein powder, creatine, and omega-3s for their nutritional value and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Implementing these fueling and hydration strategies can significantly enhance your training and performance.

Today's Optimization

After intense efforts lasting over 90 minutes, post-ride recovery is crucial. Within 30-60 minutes post-exercise, your body is primed to absorb nutrients, making it the perfect time to refuel and repair. Here’s how I do it with my 3 go-to products from Momentous.

First up is protein. It’s essential for muscle recovery and growth, and I’ve found that Momentous Essential Whey Protein fits seamlessly into my routine. I add it to my post-ride smoothie, which not only tastes great but also kickstarts the recovery process by giving my muscles the nutrients they need to rebuild stronger.

Next, is Momentous Creatine Monohydrate. I take 10 grams daily—5 grams pre-workout and 5 grams post-workout. Creatine supports muscle mass and cognitive function, helping me recover faster and stay sharp. It’s a game-changer for those tough sessions where every bit of strength counts.

Finally, omega-3s are a must in my routine. Momentous Omega-3 is crucial for joint health, ensuring I stay pain-free and ready for the next ride. I take this post-workout to avoid any fishy aftertaste and to keep my joints in top condition.

What sets Momentous apart is its commitment to quality and innovation. All Momentous products are NSF Certified for Sport, ensuring they meet the highest standards for safety and effectiveness. Momentous works with some of the world's leading scientists who use the latest research to develop best-in-class products, often using patented ingredients and direct clinical proof. They also collaborate with performance experts from the NFL to the NCAA, leveraging knowledge from elite sports to bring truly innovative products to market. And here’s a special offer for you: get 15% off your first order using code “Eric15” at checkout on the Momentous website.

Fuel your recovery, and keep pushing your limits

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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan