Become An Opportunity Magnet

(when you stop chasing, people come to your door):

read time: 5 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: Quarterfinals workout 4

  • Quote: Anderson on building your reputation

  • Lesson: 3 ways to recognize when you’re ready for change

  • Optimization: A pre-bed routine

Today's Movement 

Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

• 10 clean and jerks, weight 1
• Rest 1 minute
• 10 clean and jerks, weight 2
• Rest 1 minute
• 10 clean and jerks, weight 3
• Rest 1 minute
• Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.

♀ 85/125/155/165 lb
♂ 135/185/225/245 lb

The photo on the left is my first Half Ironman in 2010. It was the start of my serious commitment to basing my days around wellness. At the end of this race, I vividly remember telling my friends I’d never do another half-ironman. I had to stand under a fire hose for 30 minutes to escape delirium post-race. 60 minutes later, I told everyone I was with that I was signing up for Ironman Lake Placid. Fascinating how a progress-obsessed mind works! I weighed too much then to be a fast Ironman athlete (about 185#). I hired a triathlon coach. I backed off on lifting and ramped up the zone 2 cardio from 2010 - 2014. I dropped about 15 pounds. I got fast.

Today's Quote

“By dopting a generosity strategy, your reputation will spread, and you may be amazed at what you get back in return.”

--Chris Anderson

By sharing your ideas, lessons learned, and stories you create innovations that you could never imagine alone.

Most people think they need to hold back their insights, that it’s their competitive advantage.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

When you let go of this fear your life will change forever.

You become an opportunity magnet.

You stop chasing success.

And start attracting opportunities into your life.

Today's Lesson Learned

At 27 I looked forward to bars every weekend because it’s how I thought “we were supposed to meet and connect with others.” This led to way too many cocktails which caused me to constantly fall into poor eating and sleeping habits, which ultimately created a physique I was not proud of that impacted my confidence.

At 43 I’ve replaced these festivities and late nights with outdoor activities that allow me to authentically connect with others. This transformation first started with hikes in the Adirondacks on the weekends, then tennis, then triathlon training, and now has become CrossFit and mountain biking.

Over time, my friend group changed, and the activities proposed to me by my friends changed, and eventually, I realized how I wanted to spend my time had changed as well.

I could never have predicted how this impacted every other area of my life:

  • My intentions changed from chasing the public perception of success (fancy things, luxurious vacations, and partying on the weekends) to wellness-oriented activities that yielded energy, mental clarity, and physical and emotional well-being.

  • This new daily routine based around sunlight, simple ingredient foods, exercise, and communal activities with like-minded people, started to fill my cup, so I could give back, and attract people and opportunities into my life; becoming a magnet.

We all go through chapters, where we learn what makes us tick. What makes us feel vulnerable? What leaves us feeling fulfilled? The hardest part is taking action, and changing small behaviors that will lead to a massively different reality in future years.

3 Ways To Recognize When You’re Ready For Change

Life unfolds as a series of chapters. The beginning and ends of these chapters are bookmarked by massive learning, excitement, moments of realization, and change, that lead to growth. Intuitively we often sense when one phase of our journey ends and it’s time for a fresh start or a shift in direction. 

Recognizing this pivotal moment is only half the battle; the real challenge lies in listening to your inner voice and daring to make a change. This piece delves into the nuances of recognizing life's chapters and the importance of trusting our intuition during these transformational periods.

How to become an opportunity magnet: 

#1: Understand That Life Has Phases

Life is not a static journey; it's dynamic and changes with time. It’s critical to recognize that different phases are essential to being able to create sustainable happiness. One mistake I have often made is ignoring the signals when one chapter is ending; hoping for a miracle twist that never comes.

I begin to feel stagnant, and I start to chase chaos: saying yes to too many things as a way to create excitement. This masks the symptoms that I am really feeling without addressing the underlying issue. 

Tip: Reflect regularly. Consider journaling or meditation to gain clarity on your current chapter.

#2 Trust Your Intuition 

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, often emphasized the role of intuition in his decisions, leading to revolutionary products. But, what actually is intuition?  

Intuition is our inner compass; it is the innate ability to understand or recognize something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Most people describe it as a gut feeling or an instinctive response drawn from one's deep-seated experiences and knowledge. 

The problem is few people make listening to their intuition a habit– instead, they dismiss their intuition as mere “feelings”. This limits their most powerful decision-making tool. 

But listening to our intuition is a skill that we can all practice and improve through conscious effort.

Tip: Start small by listening to your body when making little decisions. 

#3 Overcoming Fear of Change

People often stay in comfortable situations for too long due to fear of the unknown and they end up missing out on better opportunities. 

An Honest Truth: Change is hard and change is scary.

Every decision we make (or don’t make) has opportunity costs. I evaluate decisions with the following exercise: I take out a pen and paper and write down a list of the potential pros and cons of any change, which helps me visualize the outcomes.

By picturing the possible outcomes you change your perspective. This allows you to see the change not as a threat, but as a challenge. This is critical to wrap your mind around closing the door on the last chapter and getting excited about the new one.

Change is a necessary and inevitable part of life's narrative. Recognizing its onset and finding the courage to embrace it is crucial for personal growth. To recognize when it is time for you to make a change: acknowledge life's transitional moments, trust your intuition, and practice changing your perspective.

When the time comes, attack change with confidence and anticipation.

The Changes You Make Today Will Create Your Future

Magnets attract energy.

When I started my social media journey ~13 years ago, I had no idea it would attract so many wonderful people into my life.

Simply by sharing my journey. Small pieces of value every day.

Meeting a few new people every day. Saying yes to coffee meetings, workout hangs, sauna hangs, and virtual calls. Hosting and being present with others.

Being just a little bit memorable to many has generated so many opportunities, fruitful friendships, and deeply satisfying relationships.

I chased from 21-27, going door to door meeting people, and cultivating relationships.

When you become a magnet, people come to your door.

Today's Optimization

Sleep is the single most important protocol in my recovery and I have used Beam every night for years. I control everything about my pre-bed routine, from when I stop looking at screens to what time I take Beam. The importance of the routine is almost as important as the product; the action of making and drinking beam signals to my body that it is time to get ready for bed.  

Since taking Beam my sleep schedule has become way more consistent, from what time I am able to fall asleep, to consistently waking up at 6:30 am every day. I sleep through the night, every night, and wake up feeling energized, ready to train. Today Beam is offering Movement Memo subscribers a deal: 35% off your first order when you subscribe and then 20% off all following orders! Plus, when you subscribe, you will receive a FREE frother with your first order! Use code “EHINMAN” at checkout.

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan