You Are The Author Of Your Life Story

(and the ending has yet to be written):

read time: 6 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: Chipper for time

  • Quote: Angelou on untold stories 

  • Framework: You are the author of your life story

  • Optimization:

Today's Movement 

Complete for time:

  • Wall Ball Shots: 40-30-20-10

  • Double-Unders: 120-90-60-30

♀ 14 lb

♂ 20 lb

Just because you get older, doesn’t mean you stop progressing. I’m excited to get my V02 max tested in the next couple of weeks and see how it compares to 9 years ago.

Today's Quote

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you”

--Maya Angelou

There is no worse feeling than knowing that we are meant for more.

That our potential is greater than our current state.

This feeling creates friction.

When this friction becomes strong enough, it becomes our catalyst for growth.

Today's Lesson Learned

Question to Design Your Dream Life:

If you were the author writing your life story, what would your fairytale ending look like?

We've all been there...

You’re deep into a book or fully immersed in a movie, and then the ending just doesn’t quite hit the mark. You loved 90% of it, but the conclusion left you wanting more. You start thinking, "If only I could rewrite this ending, I’d give it the justice it deserves."

Here's the thing—every author has a unique vision, a perspective that lets them see beyond the ordinary. That vision is theirs alone, and they get to shape it into reality. It’s fascinating, but it’s also a reminder: we are all the authors of our own stories. We hold the pen, and we have the power to craft our own narratives.

We all need to dream. To think about our goals and envision where we want to be in five, ten, or twenty years. It’s essential to step back from our daily grind and reimagine what our ideal lives could look like.

Crafting Your Life Like a Master Storyteller

The Hero’s Journey: Your Path to Success

Act 1: The Ordinary World and the Call to Adventure

In every great story, the hero starts in their ordinary world before they receive the call to adventure. For you, this means taking stock of where you are now and recognizing the areas of your life that need change. This is your starting point:

  • Assess your current health, career, and relationships.

  • Identify the gaps between your current state and your ideal vision.

Actionable Step: Write a journal entry detailing your current life. Highlight areas that you wish to improve.

Act 2: Crossing the Threshold

In the hero’s journey, crossing the threshold represents the moment the hero commits to their journey. This is when you set your clear, actionable goals. Just as the hero faces challenges and receives guidance, you too will encounter obstacles and need support:

  • Health: Start small with achievable fitness goals.

  • Career: Seek mentors or take courses to develop new skills.

  • Relationships: Make a conscious effort to strengthen connections.

Actionable Step: Create a story outline with your goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

Act 3: Trials, Allies, and Enemies

Every hero faces trials and makes allies along the way. Your trials are the daily challenges and setbacks that test your commitment. Your allies are the supportive people and resources that help you along your journey:

  • Health: Join a fitness community or find a training partner.

  • Career: Network with like-minded professionals.

  • Relationships: Engage in activities that build strong bonds.

Actionable Step: Identify your allies. List the people and resources that will support you.

Act 4: The Road Back and the Reward

As the hero nears the end of their journey, they face the final challenge and earn their reward. For you, this is about staying consistent and celebrating your progress:

  • Health: Track your progress and celebrate milestones.

  • Career: Reflect on your achievements and set new goals.

  • Relationships: Acknowledge the growth in your connections.

Actionable Step: Reflect on your journey. Write down what you’ve achieved and how far you’ve come.

Act 5: Bringing Back the Treasure

The hero returns to their ordinary world, transformed and with new wisdom. This is your opportunity to solidify your new habits and share your journey with others. Your story can inspire others to take control of their own narratives.

Actionable Step: Share your story. Whether through social media, a blog, or conversations, let others know about your journey and encourage them to embark on their own.

Imagination is everything. 

The ending to our stories? 

It's still unwritten.

And you are the author

Today's Optimization

Hit summer time with peak performance at XPT Camp ALTA

Ready for the high-performance weekend of a lifetime?

Our friends at XPT, a performance lifestyle company founded by big-wave surfing legend Laird Hamilton and groundbreaking volleyball player Gabby Reece; have combined forces with Cirque Series, the USA's Premiere Mountain Running Series.

They have launched an elite performance camp at Cirque Series Alta on August 16, designed to equip you with innovative tools to reach your potential as an athlete and in your life.

Spend the day with like-minded athletes, including professional Mountain Runner Max King, at the beautiful Snowpine Lodge in Alta Utah. Your registration in the XPT Camp includes all performance activities, elite coaching and nutritious meals Friday and Saturday, and entry to Cirque Series ALTA on Saturday, August 17th.

Only 30 spots are available.

A day at XPT Camp at Cirque Alta taps into the best of XPT’s renowned curriculum –used by elite athletes, military special forces, and other top performers – to prepare you for peak performance on race day. The day will include Performance Breathing™ sessions, mobility work, trail run prep, mindset education, ice bath and sauna stations, a special guest speaker and nutrient-packed meals. XPT’s world-class coaches will be on-site to guide you through each activity.

Book your spot today to secure this exclusive training opportunity.

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan