5 secrets no one knows about me

(my life prior to 2017):

read time: 4 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 3 rounds for time

  • Quote: Tracy on discipline 

  • Framework: 5 reasons to create a list of self-imposed rule

  • Optimization: The most studied supplement on the market 

Today's Movement 

Complete 3 rounds for time:

  • 10 deadlifts (275/ 185 lbs).

  • 15 burpee box jumpovers

  • 10 Thrusters (115/ 75 lbs).

  • 14 cal ski 

*Rest 60 seconds between rounds

One of my early CrossFit workouts

Today's Quote

Discipline is the bridge between ordinary and extraordinary.”

-Brian Tracy

Discipline is what separates achievers from high-performers.

It’s easy to do the work when you feel great.

It’s much harder to execute when motivation is lost.

When we consistently apply discipline, we stop thinking in terms of what could be and start creating the life that can be.

Today's Lesson Learned

Hi, I’m Eric. I’m 43. And here are some things you may not know about me.

I partied hard in college.

In 2002, the day after I graduated from college, I started an insurance agency that I still own.

I got pretty out of shape until I hired a personal trainer when I was 28.

In 2009, I co-founded a software company called Rounded which was my day-to-day for 5 years while training 20+ hours per week in my quest to compete at the Ironman World Championships. 

In 2012, I completed my first full Ironman and missed qualifying for the world championships by 60 seconds and 1 place. (I got passed in the last mile of the run).

This motivated me to complete 4 more Ironmans, qualifying and racing in Kona twice. 

In 2013, I co-founded and opened Urban Life Athletics, a CrossFit gym, indoor cycling studio, and hit studio. 

From 2016-2019, I co-founded and opened three restaurants. Two healthy fast-casual restaurants called Original Grain and a Mexican Restaurant and one called XO Taco. 

In 2017, I moved to Denver, Colorado, and started a new chapter. (I had no idea this would be my path). 

The current chapter of my life is focused on building and investing in health and wellness brands.

For the past 15 years, I prioritized exercise above all else because I wanted to be the best version of myself and feel like I was truly thriving, by my own standards. By doing what I love, and adding value along the way, my passions have turned into a business that coincides with how I want to live my life. 

I am a big believer that rules have the power to change your life.

It’s easy to eat healthy on a good day; when you’re at home and in your normal routine.

But how about when you’ve had a long week at work, it’s Friday at 5 p.m., you haven’t made it to the gym yet today, and all you want to do is order a pizza and sit on the couch?

This is when living by a few simple principles will make (or break) your progress.

Staying consistent with your health while working isn’t complicated; it’s hard. 

It requires discipline and consistent effort. 

I have been using 6 simple rules to maintain my health (and transform my career), and since 2008, and have added lean muscle while losing body fat, increased my productivity, and improved my confidence. These changes started because I wanted to get back into shape, but following rules transformed every other aspect of my life; rules helped me build a tribe of like-minded individuals, start a new career, and learn in ways I never would have thought possible. 

The 6 Simple Rules I Used To Become A Hybrid Athlete And Entrepreneur:

• Make movement a foundational part of your day 

• Put your diet on autopilot and eat single-ingredient foods.

• Provide more value than you receive

• Be happy watching your friends win 

• Meet one new person every day 

• Be intentional with your time

These are simple, yet followed consistently, they profoundly impacted my life. 

While these are what worked for me (and I needed help with at time), I don’t think everyone should necessarily follow the same principles; we all have different skills, strengths, and desires.

The framework, however, can apply to everyone.

Here are five reasons I think everyone should create their own list of rules:

Reason #1: Master Your Impulses

Self-imposed rules become a customized set of guidelines that help during hard days. It’s basically like having an internal coach guide you through moments of weakness.

Reason #2: Design Your Roadmap to Achievement

Personal rules serve as your roadmap toward achieving your desires. By defining your responses to potential obstacles before they arise, you align your daily actions with your long-term goals, enhancing your likelihood of success.

Reason #3: Staying Calm Amid Chaos

There’s comfort in knowing your game plan ahead of life's curveballs. Preparing for challenges not only eases your mind but also reduces stress, allowing you to handle life’s pressures with confidence.

Reason #4: Fortify Your Mental Resilience

Adhering to a personal code is mental conditioning. Each time you follow your rules, you strengthen your psychological endurance, better preparing yourself to overcome adversity.

Reason #5: Engineer Sustained Success

Personal rules are the foundational pillars for your long-term projects and ambitions. They ensure progress and foster growth. Whether you’re advancing in your career, refining a skill, or revolutionizing your habits, these rules are your framework for continuous achievement.

What rules do you create for yourself, I'd love to hear about them.

Today's Optimization

I’ve been taking creatine every day for years, and recently I started taking Try Create Gummies.

We've said it countless times: creatine is one of the most researched and proven supplements on the market.

Most of the research shows positive results for all age groups – young and old(er) alike.

We dug through the research on all the studies to be able to provide you with insights on one of the most beneficial supplements out there: Creatine. 

 Today, we want to highlight key findings from a few studies:

Study #1: “Heads up” for Creatine Supplementation and its Potential Applications for Brain Health and Function

Key Takeaways:

  1.  Long-term high-dosage creatine supplementation increases brain creatine stores.

  2. Creatine supplementation can improve cognition and memory, especially in older adults during times of metabolic stress.

  3. Creatine supplementation improves aspects of recovery from traumatic brain injury in children and has the potential to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

  1. The well-documented benefits of creatine supplementation in young adults, including increased lean body mass, increased strength, and enhanced fatigue resistance are particularly important to older adults.

  2. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that cognitive processing… can be improved with creatine supplementation.

Key Takeaways: 

  1. The purpose was to examine the effects of creatine supplementation during resistance training sessions on skeletal muscle mass and exercise performance in physically active young adults…

  2. The study found that “creatine ingestion during resistance training sessions is a viable strategy for improving muscle strength and some indices of muscle endurance in physically active young adults.” 

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan