44 powerful lessons for my 44th birthday

(I wish I had known these earlier):

read time: 4 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 5 rounds for time

  • Quote: Churchill on failure

  • Lesson: 44 actionable lessons that I wish I had known earlier

  • Optimization:  LMNT (my go-to for summer hydration)

Today's Movement 

5 rounds for time of:

•5 deadlifts
• 10 wall-ball shots
• 40 feet walking sandbag lunges
• 10 wall-ball shots
• 15 cal assault bike

135/225 lbs.

Celebrating my 44th birthday!

Today's Quote

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston Churchill 

Success isn’t about never failing; it’s about turning failures into stepping stones. 

When you embrace challenges, you unlock hidden strengths. 

Each setback is an opportunity to grow, to refine your approach, and to emerge stronger. 

Remember, your experiences shape your journey. 

Choose resilience, and let every obstacle propel you forward.

Today's Lesson Learned

I turned 44 today and have spent over two decades striving for personal and professional excellence. Through trial and error, countless experiences, and ongoing learning, I’ve distilled my journey into 44 actionable lessons that I wish I had known earlier. These insights are designed to help you live a life filled with health, productivity, deep relationships, and continuous growth. 

Here are 44 principles that have guided me, and I hope they provide you with the clarity and motivation to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Health and Wellness

1. Prioritize Your Health: Never take your health for granted. Health is the ultimate wealth, and it enhances your ability to enjoy life.

2. Move Daily: Make daily movement non-negotiable for physical and mental health.

3. Prioritize Natural Dopamine Sources: Engage in activities with an elevated heart rate (and get into nature).

4. Consistency Over Specificity: Regular habits are more important than specialized routines for long-term health.

5. Value Sleep and Recovery: Prioritize sleep as a foundation for health and performance.

6. Engage in Contrast Therapy: Use activities like sauna and cold exposure for physical and mental benefits.

8. Live with Passion: Pursue what excites and energizes you.

9. Engage in High-Skill Activities: Pursue activities that require skill and concentration.

10. Live With Intention: Make deliberate choices that align with your goals and values.

Productivity and Focus

11. Design Your Life Intentionally: Create a structured daily routine to foster creativity and productivity.

12. Embrace Uncomfortable Conversations: Use discomfort as a catalyst for growth.

13. Pursue Deep Work: Dedicate uninterrupted time to deep, meaningful tasks.

14. Use Time Blocking: Structure your day with dedicated time blocks for different activities.

15. Be Consistent: Regular, consistent actions lead to long-term success.

16. Balance Work and Play: Incorporate both focused work and enjoyable activities into your day.

17. Create Positive Environments: Build spaces that support your well-being and growth.

18. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your progress and make necessary adjustments.

Relationships and Community

19. Invest in Relationships: Share more meals and moments with loved ones to build stronger bonds.

20. Seek Growth-Oriented Circles: Surround yourself with people who challenge and support your ambitions.

21. Practice Vulnerability: Open up about your challenges and successes to foster deeper connections.

22. Engage in Sauna Conversations: Saunas create a space for authentic, impactful dialogues.

23. Curate Your Influences: Be equally conscious of those you spend time with and those you choose not to. 

24. Build a Tribe: Surround yourself with people who share your values and goals.

25. Host Meaningful Events: Create events that foster deep connections and shared experiences.

26. Share Your Journey: Openly share your experiences and learnings with others.

27. Create Boundaries: Set limits to protect your time and focus.

Learning and Growth

28. Engage in Lifelong Learning: Continuously add new skills to stay ahead and remain a high performer.

29. Seek Mentors and Role Models: Learn from those who have achieved what you aspire to.

30. Be Selective with Information: Choose sources that uplift and educate you.

31. Reflect On Your Day: Take time each day to reflect on your experience, energy levels, and progress.

32. Invest in Education: Continuously seek knowledge and learning opportunities.

33. Focus on Personal Growth: No one else will do it for you.

Mindset and Perspective

34. Celebrate Wins Openly: Sharing personal successes invites others to engage and form deeper connections.

35. Curate Your Media Diet: Consume content that aligns with your values and goals.

36. Create Positive Feedback Loops: Surround yourself with positivity to naturally gravitate towards growth.

37. Limit Negative Influences: Identify and reduce exposure to toxic people and content.

38. Live Authentically: Align your daily actions with your true self and values.

39. Embrace Shared Discomfort: Bond over challenging experiences to form deeper connections.

40. Fail Forward: Embrace failures as opportunities for growth.

41. Be Mindful of Your Energy: Balance energy-depleting activities with those that recharge you.

Intentional Living

42. Direction Over Perfection: Speed in the right direction is more important than being perfect.

43. Value Consistency: Regular, consistent actions lead to long-term success.

44. Design for Joy: Build your daily routine around activities that bring you joy.

These 44 lessons are distilled from my personal journey and are designed to help you lead a life that is fulfilling, balanced, and aligned with your true values. I wish someone told me this was I was 24. 

 Today's Optimization

LMNT is a refreshing and nutrient-packed electrolyte drink mix designed to support your active lifestyle and overall well-being. Free from unnecessary additives, LMNT delivers a precisely formulated electrolyte balance with 1000 mg of sodium, 200 mg of potassium, and 60 mg of magnesium per serving. This powerful combination helps prevent and alleviate common symptoms of electrolyte deficiency, such as headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, and sleeplessness.

Why Choose LMNT?

  1. Science-Backed Formula: Developed based on scientific research, LMNT’s specific electrolyte ratio is crafted to meet your body’s needs, ensuring optimal hydration and performance.

  2.  All-Natural Ingredients: No sugars, fillers, or artificial ingredients—just the essential electrolytes your body craves.

  3. Versatile Usage: Ideal for athletes after intense workouts, people who follow low-carb diets, and anyone needing a hydration boost after a night out.

  4. Convenient (and Tasty): Easy to mix and delicious to drink, making hydration an enjoyable part of your daily routine.

How to Incorporate LMNT into Your Day:

Morning Boost: Start your day with LMNT to replenish electrolytes lost overnight and kickstart your hydration.

During Workouts: Keep a bottle of LMNT-infused water during your exercise to maintain peak performance and prevent cramps.

Post-Workout Recovery: Drink LMNT after workouts to aid recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and quickly rehydrate.

Evening Routine: Incorporate LMNT into your evening routine to ensure restful sleep and prevent nighttime leg cramps.

Today LMNT is offering Movement Memo subscribers an exclusive deal: a free sample pack with any order!

Know friends, training partners, or co-workers who would take value from weekly tips on a healthier lifestyle, enhanced accountability, and improved routines? Thanks for sharing!


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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan