12 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Brand

how to build a brand to protect your image, enhance credibility, and attract premium customers

read time: 4 minutes 

Welcome to The Movement Memo, a bi-weekly newsletter where I share actionable tips to help you live your best day ever, every day.

Today's Programming 

  • Movement: 300 For Time

  • Quote: Godin on defining a brand 

  • Lesson: The 12 mistakes to avoid when building your brand

  • Optimization: The importance of nitric oxide and vasodilation

Today's Movement 

  • Complete 5 rounds for time: 

    • 30 cal row

    • 30 wall ball (20/14)

Colorado Beach Day:

Today's Quote

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

-Seth Godin

Building a brand that stands out is hard, but not complicated. 

It requires mastering these fundamentals:

  1. Expectations: Sets a benchmark of what consumers anticipate in terms of quality, experience, and performance.

  2. Memories: Form lasting memories through impactful and meaningful interactions with your consumers.

  3. Stories: Craft and share narratives that connect emotionally and personally with your audience.

  4. Relationships: Build and nurture relationships with customers, fostering trust and loyalty.

The collective impact of these factors plays a pivotal role in influencing a consumer's choice between different products or services.

Do these uncommonly well for a sustained period and you will create a brand that stands alone.

Today's Lesson Learned

12 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Brand: protect your image, enhance credibility, and attract premium customers

In the modern world, your brand is not just a logo or a name; it's the heart and soul of your business. 

It’s the promise you make to your customers. 

But what happens when that promise isn't clear, or worse, is broken? Why should you, as an entrepreneur, be ultra-mindful of your branding? And what are the critical mistakes to avoid ensuring your brand not only survives but thrives in a competitive market?

Here are the 12 mistakes I see companies make constantly, and how to safeguard your brand's integrity while enhancing its appeal to attract high-quality leads and convert them into customers.

The Branding Journey: (a history of evolution)

Branding at its core is about creating behavioral change at scale. It’s evolved from mere identification marks to complex narratives encapsulating a company’s values, mission, and customer experience.

A strong brand will draw customers in and push outsiders away.

Mistake To Avoid: Trying to be everything to everyone. (It is the fastest way to the bottom).

Why Your Brand Matters

Your brand is your story. It's what sets you apart in a crowded marketplace. A compelling brand can command attention, foster loyalty, and justify premium pricing. Not creating a brand is costly, leading to confusion, loss of trust, or an unclear market position.

Most people think, “We’ve got a great product; our branding will naturally follow.” But here’s the thing – even the best products fail with poor branding.

Branding is a minefield of potential mistakes. Here are the 12 critical errors that can make or break your brand. (They go to the core of how your brand is perceived and experienced by your audience): 

The 12 Most Common Branding Mistakes:

  1. Ignoring Your Unique Value Proposition: Failing to highlight what sets you apart.

  2. Overcomplicating Your Message: Confusing your audience with jargon or complex concepts.

  3. Neglecting Consistency: Inconsistency in messaging, visuals, or values confuses customers.

  4. Underestimating the Power of Design: Poor design can cheapen your brand’s perceived value.

  5. Overlooking Audience Research: Not understanding your target market's needs and preferences.

  6. Focusing Solely on Products: Forgetting that branding is about emotional connections.

  7. Inauthentic Storytelling: Losing trust by not aligning your story with your actions.

  8. Ignoring Feedback: Missing valuable insights and opportunities for improvement.

  9. Chasing Trends Blindly: Losing identity by constantly shifting to fit the latest fad.

  10. Poor Crisis Management: Damaging your brand by mishandling public relations issues.

  11. Underutilizing Social Media: Missing the chance to engage and connect with your audience.

  12. Neglecting the Brand Experience: Failing to consider every touchpoint with your audience.

Avoiding these mistakes is not just about dodging bullets; it’s about building a brand that resonates with your audience and stands the test of time. These lessons come from hard-earned experiences of early-stage health and wellness brands - insights that can set you apart.

A strong, well-thought-out brand is your ticket to credibility, customer loyalty, and market presence. It differentiates you in a way that goes beyond just products or services – it’s about creating a feeling, and a memorable experience that sticks with your customers.

Your brand is the promise you make to your customers.

Keeping that promise is key to your success.

Avoid these pitfalls, and you’re not just protecting your image – you’re setting the stage for remarkable growth and customer loyalty.

If You Missed It:

I put together a complete Endurance Training Blueprint, that contains all of the steps, lessons, and principles I learned during my Ironman years.

Download it here

Today's Optimization

Today I wanted to explore the benefits of citrulline, a natural amino acid known for its vasodilation properties, which is extremely valuable for individuals looking for natural ways to boost their cardiovascular health, athletic performance, and sexual wellness. Enhanced blood flow aids in better athletic performance, supports faster recovery, and it can improve endurance while reducing fatigue. I recently started taking Joymode, which contains the science-supported doses of L-Citrulline, Arginine Nitrate, Ginseng, and

The Importance of Nitric Oxide and Vasodilation

• Nitric oxide, produced from citrulline, is a potent vasodilator that improves blood flow.
• It is beneficial for various cardiovascular functions and physical activities.

But, there is a common misconception that vasodilators are only for sexual health. In reality, they enhance overall cardiovascular health. 

Boosting blood flow through natural means like citrulline supplements contributes significantly to overall well-being. And I’ve felt significant improvements in both physical and mental health since I started taking Joymode. This is why, I am excited to share: Joymode is offering Movement Memo Subscribers a Deal: 20% off their order using code HINMAN20 at checkout!

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Publisher: Eric Hinman

Editor-in-chief: Bobby Ryan